“El Riojano” offers you high quality products, selecting the best pieces

The tradition and experience, accumulated during these last 40 years, generation after generation, combined with pigs of excellent characteristics, make the products of “El Riojano” exquisite andhe althy foods.

A careful selection of balanced raw materials, combined with the fresh and dry winds of the mountain range and at rest in optimal conditions of temperature and humidity, give rise toour slogan “… Rioja Flavor”.


La Rioja, cradle of one of the most famous wines in the world, also offers the hams with the greatest Mediterranean tradition: “el Riojano”

From the first moment, the most balanced pieces are chosen destined to a rest under conditions of suitable temperature and humidity.

In this way, the most demanding palates savor the best of our cellars.

The curing formulas of “El Riojano” hams have remained unchanged over the years, maintaining the same artisan processes in their elaboration.

Getting the best ham requires a good pig. The feeding and natural environment of breeding, fundamental in the growth phase of the animal, provide, as a reward for the benefits of this land, an exceptional bouquet throughout our letter.

The environment

Located in the locality of Baños de Río Tobía (La Rioja), we make emblem of crossroads and under
the slopes of the Sierra de la Demanda, for its fertility, pure air and climate, are an ideal place.
A habitat which provides a balanced diet that makes the products of “El Riojano” have a distinctive
style that combines nuances and flavors of our land.


The good ham comes from the good pig. The basis for making a good product is obtaining the best raw material.

The balanced, natural and varied diet is fundamental to achieve an exquisite flavor in our hams.

With an innovative spirit, we put the most advanced technology at the service of craftsmanship.

Art, care and dedication make our hams a natural and tasty product, present in all tables.


Cure process of our hams is developed with ancestral and craft formulas. We combine tradition with the modernest technological advances.

The salting of the pieces with different salts, the preserving in pantries specially adequate, freshness of setting and a good thermic control these conditions make to our hams a healthy and balanced food also tasty and pleasant.

A slow process, without hurry, like it has been done from long time ago. Cure in pantries during 9 or 12 months gives to the “El Riojano” ham a bouquet of delicious food. A ham which delights your senses, need time in order to get the taste and fragance of an extraordinary food.